City of Coleman Public Library

"When in doubt, go to the library." - J.K. Rowling

Coleman Library's Benefactors

We appreciate our Supporters!

Memorials add up, so when you are making gifts, consider a gift to the library. Acknowledgment is made to the donor as well as the family of the deceased. To make a memorial in a loved ones name send your check to the Coleman Public Library, 402 Commercial Ave. Coleman, Texas 76834. List the name of the loved one and name and address of the next of kin to send the acknowledgment to.

Friends of the Coleman Public Library

Friends of the Coleman Public Library are a group of citizens in the community who have a common concern for their library's active expansion and participation I the community life. They have a conviction that good library service is important to everyone. Did you know Friends of the Library are one of the oldest organizations in the United States? Library Company of Philadelphia was founded by Ben Franklin in 1731.

Locally, Friends of the Coleman Public Library organized in the early 1970's and worked specifically to get enough books on the shelves of the library to qualify for membership in the state library system. Additionally the Friends help sponsor the Summer Reading Program, promote the growth and development of the library's resources. And promote public appreciation of the library as an important cultural center for our city.

Support the Coleman Public Library by becoming a Friend. Dues are:

Individuals: $5.00
Couples or Families: $10.00
Organizations: $25.00
Life Memberships: $100.00

Make check payable to:
Friends of the Coleman Public Library.
Mail to 402 Commercial Ave. Coleman, Texas 76834 or bring your check to the library.

The Advisory Board has adopted the following policies regarding gifts to the Coleman Public Library:

  • Books and other materials will be accepted on the condition that the Librarian has the authority to make whatever disposition deemed most desirable.
  • Gifts of money, real property, and/or stock will be accepted if conditions attached thereto are acceptable to the Advisory Board and to the governing bodies.
  • The Library will not accept for deposit materials which are not outright gifts.
  • Unspecified gifts will be placed in the Memorial Fund for any purpose deemed beneficial by the Advisory Board.