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City of Coleman
State of Texas with Longhorn

Director of Economic Development

EDC Logo - red horseshoe with windmill

Kim Little

200 W. Liveoak
Coleman, TX 76834
(325) 625-4116, ext. 104


Façade Improvement Program

Summary and Program Description

The purpose of the Façade Improvement Grant Program is to provide an incentive to business and/or property owners to encourage renovation and rehabilitation of commercial buildings in the City of Coleman.

This program is designed to impact properties in need of revitalization, resulting in an improved exterior, visibility and presentation of a business in eligible areas, as defined below. The program is not designed to subsidize corrections to building code violations that prolong the life of a commercial property. The program does not include residential housing of any kind, whether owned or rented.

The program will be administered by The Coleman Economic Development Corporation (CEDC) – a Type A EDC and the Coleman Community Coalition (CCC) – a Type B EDC. The grant will provide financial assistance to property owners seeking to renovate or restore their exterior signage, lighting, or commercial building facades. An application is to be submitted with a description of the work to be completed. Applications will be reviewed by the CEDC and CCC Board of Directors.

Funding Availability

Funding of the project is at the total and absolute discretion of the CEDC and CCC Board of Directors. Funding is limited and grant awards will be subject to funding availability. Project Applicants will be prioritized on a first come, first serve basis. Contracts for improvements must be between the façade applicant and the contractor. The program is subject to all applicable conflict of interest rules and regulations. The program and the funding of any programs are subject to and conditioned on approval of the budgets by the EDC Board and City Council for each fiscal year. A commitment notification allocating the project funds for an approved application will be issued and the project is subject to the timelines established. If funds are not used within that period, grant funds can be reallocated for other eligible applicants.

Funding Levels

The Façade Improvement Grant Program will provide a match of up to fifty percent (50%) of the project cost for the funding of the well-designed improvements which will coordinate all the important features of the storefront into a more attractive facade. The maximum grant amount is 50% of the applicants cost up to $5,000.

Applicants will be responsible for hiring licensed professionals to refine their conceptual design depending on the scope of the work.


The following definitions shall apply to the terms used in this Policy:

Applicant: The property owner, or tenant signing the application for a Façade Improvement Grant.

Construction Costs: The cost of construction materials and installation labor. All other associated costs are deemed excluded, including but not exclusively, the following costs: design, construction document preparation, bidding, sweat equity and construction financing.

Eligible Enhancement: The improvements identified as eligible herein.

Façade: The portion of the building parallel to the primary right-of-way as determined by the City.

Project Coverage Eligibility Area: The physical lot and/or building to which improvements are being made, and located within the city limits of Coleman, or its Extra Territorial Jurisdiction (ETJ).

Notice to Proceed: A written notice from the City of Coleman Director of Economic Development authorizing the applicant to begin construction as approved by Board of Directors.

Eligible Applicants

Applicants must be commercial property owners, tenants, or nonprofit organizations located within the City limits of the City of Coleman, or the City’s ETJ. Preference may be given to projects that are in the Downtown Business District, or along major thoroughfares.

Business owners/tenants must have the property owner’s express consent for the proposed improvements and have been at the location for at least six months.

To participate in the Program, Applicants must complete and submit the Program application form provided by the EDC Director along with the required attachments. Retroactive applications for improvement work that has already been completed will not be accepted.

Property taxes must be current, and participants must represent that to the best of their knowledge they have no debts in arrears to the City when a Notice to Proceed letter is issued.

Further, the Applicant must certify that there are no current code enforcement actions pending against the property that would not be mitigated by the project.

Eligibility Criteria

The following criteria must be met for participation in the Façade Improvement Grant Program:

  • Applicants must be commercial property owners, tenants, or nonprofit organizations located within the City limits of the City of Coleman, or the City’s ETJ. Applicant must be at the location and in operation for a minimum of six months;
  • City Staff must review plans prior to approval;
  • Applicants must be up to date on all property taxes prior to participation in the program;
  • Applicants must not have any City liens filed against any property owned by the Applicant; including but not limited to code enforcement liens or tax liens;
  • Applicant must not be past due in sales tax remittance;
  • Applicants must comply with all State and local laws and regulations pertaining to licensing, permits, sign regulations, building code and zoning requirements;
  • Applications will not be accepted for improvements that have already been completed or are in the progress for completion (if permits have been issued or plans have accepted by the city – then it is in progress);
  • Understanding that the overall objective of the program is to improve exterior visibility and presentation of a property; the Board has the discretion to decline an application while suggesting enhancements that would enable future acceptance.

Design Principles and Design Guidelines

Improvements to be funded by the program must be compatible with the character and architecture of the individual building as well as meeting City standards with regards to latest construction and design trends. Buildings with historically significant architectural qualities are strongly encouraged to restore and maintain these features. Improvements for buildings not having such architectural features should be carefully considered and be seen as an opportunity to substantially enhance the appearance of the buildings and their streetscapes.

Eligible Façade Improvements

  1. Restoration of details in a historically contributing or significant buildings, and removal of elements which cover architectural details;
  2. Window replacement and window framing visible from street which is appropriately scaled to the building;
  3. New City-Approved signage, including monument signage, wall and/or awning signage. All signage must comply with the City Sign ordinance.
  4. Lighting which is visually appealing and appropriately illuminates signage, storefront window displays, and recessed areas of a building façade;
  5. Awnings or canopies which can be both functional and visually appealing;
  6. Curbing, irrigation, approved landscaping or other landscaping features attached to the building where appropriate;
  7. Cleaning, painting or residing of the building;
  8. Resurfacing and/or restriping of property owned parking lots visible from the street;
  9. New storefront construction, appropriately scaled within an existing building;
  10. Other items which may not be listed above but would improve the front façade of the building.
  11. Any alterations to sidewalks must be approved by the City.

Ineligible Improvements/Expenses

  1. Exterior improvements located on the sides or rear of the building not visible from a public right-of-way;
  2. Interior improvements;
  3. Playground or recreational equipment;
  4. Structural changes;
  5. Burglar bars;
  6. Security Alarm System;
  7. “Sweat Equity”;
  8. New construction;
  9. Furniture;
  10. Architectural or other professional fees;
  11. Asbestos testing, removal, abatement or remediation;
  12. Improvements for which insurance funds are received.
  13. Improvements or replacements to the roof of the structure

The program does not include improvements to residential housing of any kind, whether owned or rented.

The program does not apply to Buildings used solely for storage or otherwise closed for regular business.

Prior Improvements

Alterations and improvements made prior to receiving a “Notice to Proceed” are not eligible for reimbursement.

Program and Financial Assistance

Funding offered is a matching grant in which the CEDC/CCC reimburses the applicant fifty percent (50%) of the total construction costs up to maximum match grant, not to exceed $5,000, for façade improvements. Architectural design fees may not be included in the total cost of eligible improvements. Applicant’s match may be in the form of other financial aid (grant or loan) received from other agencies and/or banks, but may not be “in-kind”. CEDC/CCC will only provide reimbursement after the Applicant supplies all documentation showing payment has been made for the work done.

Application Process

Applications are available at City Hall, 200 W. Liveoak, Coleman, TX, or online at The program application has a step-by-step summary of the process including a detailed checklist of required materials and documentation.

Grant Program Guidelines

All prospective applicants must follow the procedures in the order outlined below:

  1. Applicant meets with the Executive Director of EDC and City Staff for initial project discussion and submits application.
  2. Applicant’s design team submits proposed drawings to City of Coleman staff for review.
  3. Applicant’s design team submits no fewer than one arms-length bids from contractors that include a reasonable price quote(s) with the application.
  4. The Executive Director may choose to return the application to Applicant for further refinement or clarification or present the proposed project to the CEDC/CCC Board of Directors for review at a regularly scheduled meeting in his/her discretion.
  5. The CEDC/CCC Board of Directors, upon receipt of the application from the Executive Director, reviews the application at a regularly scheduled meeting, determines if the application satisfies the Design Principals and Guidelines, and determines, in its sole and absolute discretion, if the proposed project represents an appropriate expenditure of grant funds and whether or not the proposed project will appropriately impact a property in need of revitalization, resulting in improved exterior visibility and presentation.
  6. If approved by the CEDC/CCC Board of Directors, the Director sends applicant a “Notice to Proceed” and fully executed Façade Improvement Grant Agreement. Any work completed prior to receiving the “Notice to Proceed” will not be reimbursed. Applicant has 90 days from the date of the “Notice to Proceed” to begin implementation of approved improvements. Applicant must provide the Director of Economic Development with copies of all building permits and certifications received from the improvement project.
  7. Contractor constructs project improvements as specified in the final design. Any changes to the approved plan must be approved by the City staff.
  8. The applicant will have 180 days to complete said project (from the Notice to Proceed date). Applicant can apply to staff for an extension on a case-by-case basis.
  9. As appropriate, City staff and/or authorized City Personnel will monitor the construction process.
  10. Applicant notifies City staff when project is complete. City staff conduct necessary inspections to ensure improvements comply with final drawings and all necessary building and zoning codes.
  11. Applicant must submit copies of all paid invoices to EDC Director, who then submits for reimbursement check. – Please see reimbursement guidelines below.
  12. In the event the applicant is denied; the Applicant will not be allowed to reapply to the program for 90 days from the original application date.
  13. Properties that benefit from grant funds under this program will not be eligible to apply again for this program for a minimum of 5 Years.

Request for Reimbursement

Request for reimbursement will only be processed after the rehabilitation/improvement work is completed and approved following final inspection by EDC Staff, City Staff, and/or the Board in order to verify compliance with the project scope.

Reimbursement claims must be accompanied by the following supporting documentation:

Proof of payments (e.g., cancelled checks, paid invoices/receipts of eligible expenses; All expenses incurred must be paid by check or Credit/Debit Card, cash receipts will not be accepted)

Statements from architects, contractors, and/or subcontractors acknowledging that all payments have been received.

Notarized final lien waivers from all contractors and or/or subcontractors, if applicable

Proof of final City inspections

A digital “after” photograph of the commercial building improvements

Applicants must complete, sign, and submit a request for reimbursement in order for disbursement of funds per the EDC/City guidelines.

A photocopy of all Credit/Debit Card receipts and/or the front and back of all cancelled checks must be submitted for reimbursement along with an invoice marked “paid.”

All invoices must clearly indicate the work that was performed, the amount of the invoice as well as the corresponding Credit/Debit Card receipt(s) and/or check numbers.

All payments are subject to review and approval of the EDC. Please allow up to 21 business days for receipt of the reimbursement check.

Required Forms

The applicant will be required to sign and return the following to Director of Economic Development, 200 W. Liveoak, Coleman, TX within 2 weeks of the date the program award is granted.
*Acceptance form which details the terms and conditions associated with the program.
*W-9 form which enables the EDC to process and provide the applicants funding.
*Copy of a valid ID/Driver’s License

Maintenance Requirements

By accepting the grant funds, the Applicant commits to properly maintain all commercial building improvements, clean and free of graffiti for a minimum of 2 years at the Applicant’s own cost and expenses.

Any damage to the commercial building is to be repaired immediately by the Applicant so that the property remains in good condition and positively contributes to the City of Coleman.

Applicants will be strongly encouraged to touch up painted areas and perform any other repairs on an ongoing basis and to maintain commercial building appearance including the cleaning of any awnings at least once a year.

Promotional Rights

By accepting the grant funds, Applicant authorizes the EDC and/or the City of Coleman to promote the project and property including, but not limited to, displaying a sign at the site during and after construction indicating participation in the Program, and using photographs, and/or video and description of the project and property in the EDC’s/City’s printed promotional materials, social medial, press releases, and websites.

Conditions and Acknowledgements

The Façade Grant Improvement Program is subject to change or cancellation at any time by a vote of the Board of Directors of the CEDC, CCC, and/or City Council.

CEDC/CCC has the right to terminate any agreement under the grant program if a participant is found to be in violation of any conditions set forth in these guidelines in accordance with the Façade Improvement Grant Agreement.

In addition, any policy or procedure described herein may be waived by official action of the CEDC, CCC, and City Council. The Board and Council reserves the right to reject any and/or all applications.

Brochure pg1 Brochure pg2

Director of Economic Development

EDC Logo - red horseshoe with windmill

Kim Little

200 W. Liveoak
Coleman, TX 76834
(325) 625-4116, ext. 104