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City of Coleman
State of Texas with Longhorn

The Convenience Center is located on the North side of Coleman, on US-84. For more information about our services or restrictions, please call City Hall at 325-625-4116.


City Convenience Center

City-Wide Cleanup - Click here for more info.

The City Convenience Center is located on Hwy 84 between Halls Meat Market and the Coleman County Electric Co-op. The Convenience Center is open on Mondays and Fridays from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., and Saturdays, 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. The Convenience Center will be open to City and County residents. Hunters are also welcome.

Gate Fee: $5.00 per vehicle, per day, plus additional fees as set out below.

Brush / Limbs / Leaves
16' Trailer: $40.00 Large Pickup: $15.00
14' Trailer: $35.00 Small Pickup: $10.00
12' Trailer: $30.00  
Up to 17": $3.00 per tire  
Up to 24": $5.00 per tire  
Over 24" not accepted  
All other solid waste and large items will be charged $5.00 per cubic yard.
Height limit on loads of 4', with a charge of $3.00 per cubic yard if over limit. (A cubic yard is 3 feet x 3 feet x 3 feet)

Items that may be accepted at the Convenience Center are:

  • Residential / Household garbage
  • Furniture
  • Metal that can be loaded / unloaded by hand
  • Refrigerators, Mowers, Air Conditioners that have had all fluids removed and have been properly tagged by a licensed repairman
  • Miscellaneous lumber items from a residence (lumber from small renovation projects being performed by a property owner are allowed)
  • Wood fencing

Items that may not be accepted at the Convenience Center are:

  • Shingles
  • Batteries
  • Paint
  • Oil or oil filters
  • Household Hazardous Materials or Medical Waste
  • Any other materials considered Hazardous
  • Any materials from Contractors
  • Dead animals

All loads must be covered with a tarp so that littering does not occur. Loads not covered with a tarp will be subject to a $10.00 fee after a one time warning.

The Convenience Center is located on the North side of Coleman, on US-84. For more information about our services or restrictions, please call City Hall at 325-625-4116.